Smt D Pattammal has composed over 650 songs in Tamil. She has notated most of them. In the 1980s her compositions were published under different titles like Madhava Geetham, Mela Raga Krithimala, Janya Raga Krithimala, etc. There are some compositions that have not yet been published.
Here we have all the compositions published by her in eight books. The notations have been given wherever she had provided them. These can be viewed composition-wise in each of the publications. Detailed forewords by Smt Pattammal for each of the publications have been provided under the respective titles.
Use the Search option provided to search for the compositions in a specific raga.
- Arul Keerthanaigal
- Isai Thuvaka Padalgal
- Madhava Geetham
- 63 nayanmars
- Kumara Sambhavam
- Sri Harisaram
- Janya Raga Krithi Mala
- Mela Raga Krithi Mala
- Thiruvilaiyadal Puranam
Search for Compositions based on a Raga
You may search for compositions of Smt D Pattammal in a specific raga. Enter the name of the Raga and click Search.
If you do not find the raga appearing in the list, it could be because of a difference in spelling. Please check the List of Ragas for the correct spelling.